Saturday, June 30, 2012

The first class we had for today was something related to food. The context was quite knowledgeble, but the discussion part was really interesting. It started from Thomas question: What's the ratio between people eating out and at home? Then we discussed futher, mainly about the reasons way. I think that's more fun than taking a class, because we were sharing and interacting.

Our schedule for next class was soppose to be someting about aboriginal, but someting wrong happened with the teacher. As a result, we headed to the souvenir shop at NTU. They bought some T-shirts. On the way we went there, we saw many policemen and an area which was surrounded by the " accident rope." When talking about this question, I am not feeling good. However, it's a chance for us to think about it. What's backstory or reasons for they to jump? That's not the proper way to handle problems in life. Like what our professor mentioned befor, "Three reasons for do not making suicide. First, your life is given by your parents. That means you can only treasure it, not do harm to it. Second, people all do choices for their benefits, but making suicide is totally the opposie way. Third, making suicide doed not solve any problems at all. Instead, it only left more problems for people living in the world. That's, they will be in sad mood." I do not like this action.

At the afternoon, we vistited the National Palace Museum. The introducer there was great. I learned a lot also. Looking at the ancient items with stories been give can make more sense. It'd worth the prise for visiting again.

Then, we went to the night market at Shi-lin station. I don't think forenigers like to have oyster fried eggs. That's not the same food comparing to other snacks in Taiwan.

Have fun tommorrow

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 27

Today we went to Yangmin NP, which locates at the northern part of Taiwan. Accroding to my high school teacher, we should learn from daily life. This is a stunning statement, considering that most of the Taiwanese students "learn" from textbook. I think what we had today was just like this statement's best proof. We saw many plants and insects, such as bettles, butterflies, stick insects, etc. There are basically what we learned from class yesterday. I believe to see it, before giving me context in words. This way, it makes me feel what I learn are something really matter and exist.

Though this hiking-and-discovering trail, I noticed that Lin Chen is such a diligent and cute girl. She took notes, asksed lots of questions, and told me some tips about choosing classes! I have known her since I started my English class, which she also attented. I am not surprissed, to tell the truth. I am just glad that I can get along with her more!

The trail itself is shaded by tell trees, so the rocks below have moss growing on it, which makes it quite slipery. But because of these quite original place, we saw some diligence flowers, such as Peristrophe japonica,
Milk fig, (They have some pinball-sized red fruits. And they are neumorus along our way.) 
Usawa cane, (That is the famous plant in Yangmin Mt. Aboriginal tribe use this kind of bamboo to make arrow. In fack, we even walked into this plant's foreset on our next stop: visitng the volcanic scentic site)
Subcostate crape( The most obivious trait of this plant is that there trunk looks like a milk cow. It even got a name called: monkey-can-not-climb-on-it. I have seen this tree in campus before, so I found it naturly.)

There were many beautiful insects, too. Like few damselflies, which have sparking colors. And also some bettles. They are quite amazing, too. Though their bodies are small, they just like an delicate instruments!

On our visit to volcanic site, we met an teacher, who we later all respected. Her existent itself is amasing. She is about seventy years old, speaks fluent English, and knows this environment well. We all enjoyed! Starring at the steam and yellow surface of the rocks, which were covered by sulfur, I tried to imagine the people working there two hunderd years before. Accroding to this elgent teacher, workers at most can carry 40 kg of sulfure and walk for more than 35km a day to earn money. I am touched by their attitude and wondering wether we inherite this gene? Passino is important for one's life, but diligent is the key.

 The earth is like a magician. It can change the landscape in just a few seconds when volcanoes erupe. That makes me in awe, and starts to respect earth more. I believe when everyone sees and gets to know how it forms, they's want to avoid all the pollutions and damages we produse.

Our last destination is hot spring museum. It amazes me the most is that all the workers there are the local people. How strong the connection is!

At night, we went to a great restaurant for dinner. We all enfoyed it, and expect to go out next time!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

This morning, when I left my dorm and headed to seven, I bumped into Robin and Thomas. "There are so many bikes at your school. I was taking photoes of them" said Robin. Yeah, it's true, though for me it's not a beautiful scene, it's part of our NTU's culture. On the way to seven, Thomas asked some questions about Chinese, basically it's about buying coffee. I am so glad I can help, because I  like to help other learn Chinese!

Our first destination was the museum of animals. It's inside the Life Science building. Actually, it's not big, and it made me feel a little bit awkward to call it "museum". Size was not the only problem, the specimen there were not well organized. I believe the person who incharge could make it better, and he or she should do this as soon as possible. After all, it's a place to show and for people to learn. Then, we went to another museum, the Entomology museum. It's not a fancy place, but the teachers there are passion and knowlegebale. These  touched my heart. I rememberd when we vistied the second room, which has many priseless insects' paintings, the teacher shared and gave advice to us: Nothing is impossible. Everyone could make the world a litte bit different.

We had three classes today. I have to admit that it didn't drew me in. The topic was interesting, but sometimes, I felt that there's  too much information. Like what Alicia said "It's a book." There's a little different between a book and a lecture, right? Also like what Thomas asked " You know when you showed the picture of food, everyone sat straghit and stared at the slide?" It gave me a sense of reflection that teaching is never an easy job. People standind on stage are called " teacher." But who can really influence you or just give you knowledge? There's room for this discussion.

After the lectures, we went to the night market. I don't go to the night market, if there isn't any specail reason. But because it took a great deal of effert and energy for those dear friends to come to Taiwan, I hope they can enjoy and experience something new. We had some yammy food, and decided to come back nest time to have more fun!

Wish a sunny day tomorrow!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Today was such a exhusting day! Because we had an outdoor activities, like something we usually play when we join a camp. But it was also an easier and quicker way to know more people. Alicia, Emily, Dominique, Fan, and Qi Zou were my teamates. I rememered how Emily played the circling-around-a-broom game! She amazed me so much! I just saw something blurring moving fast around the broom! And I also found that Qi Zou is such a excellent partner! When we were playing our first game, which you have to tie your left foot with others right foot and move, we did well! Of course she is a good friend too. It made me think some friends from China. They are friendly and willing to help and share. I think that's the most beautiful part inside one's heart.

At the afternoon, we took class. They were a little bit long, and also because I went to bed late yesterday, I was a litte bit tired.

After the class, we went to have cold noodles with Jennifer, Alicia, Stephanie, Couinne, Ivy and Hsuan. It's a good meal, cheap and delicious!

Now I am wondering what they had during the chinese class since I was not there! Chinese characters are interesting and fun, but to be honest, they are not easy to learn! It's ok, I can ask them tomorrow.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Summer vacation starts. Nearly everyone is moving out from my dorm, so I got up at six today, and I knew, gradually, BACT will become the center of  June, 2012. The time for us to meet was at nine, but my arrive time is like 8:30! But actually the reason was that Ivy, and Carolina wanted to discuss what we're going to talk about when introducing our department. Yet, I was the first one came, so I checked what's inside the black bag, and I was so surprized with the stuff  I received! At the moment I opened it, an instinct thought came into my mind: What's the reason for bring my own backpag?

After introducing the teachers, the students began to talk about ourselves. I was most impressed with Emily when she was talking about her college. It's totally out of my imagination of what colledge could be looked like! So many animals and vegetables around! It most be a fun to take a visit there! Then, Jack began to told about the overeall course. My prayer tonight is that: we can get to Toroko NP safly. Because Jack mentioned that the traffic didn't work smoothly. But it is a sight to see!

We headed to Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall later. Before, it would be a pretty normal sight for me. But because I went with different people, the experience became differnt too! And during that time, Shelby asked what's the small things on the edge of the roof are? To be honest, I don't know. Specifically, I won't notice if she didn't ask! After I went back to my dorm, I cheked the Hall's website, and found out that these smalls things are water creatures(by Chinese people's imagination), which are a symbol of avoind fire disaster! Remember these palace are made out of wood! And the first one leading the cretures is a feary! This is the website I checked: , but it doesn't have English version. However you can see what's inside the concert and theater hall!

Our next stop was National Taiwam Museum. Actuslly, I was really excited! Because I have heard if form my high school teacher, who I like and trust a lot! If I had a chance to come again, I definitly will spent longer time there to see more carefully. Today was a little bit in rush. But I liked it, whatever. Yet, I wished I had prepared before we went. Explaning the exhibition inside with English was a challange!

The fianl stop today was eating at, Breeze square at Taipei Main Station. We had things relatint to beef. Though at that time, I can't find my purse, I found it when I got back. Thanks God!
And I wished I have learned the correct way of using chopsitcks from my dad. When we were eating beef noodles, Shelby was learning how to use it! It's first time she used it! I hoped she will be able to use it during these days.

Ok, time to go go bed. I want to have a clear brain tomorrow!

Thanks all the teachers preparing so many things for us, and all the friends I met today!