Saturday, July 28, 2012

What's the last day? I suddenly feel strange that I didn't record the last day of this program.

After a big meal that day, we went to KTV. (By the way, that was the night that I ever took so many hug-pictures.)

After KTV, Flora shared a room with me at her dorm. She is a person who likes to keep environment clean and tidy. I like that.

Though we made a lot of cards for foreign students, in my mind, there's a card that I haven't made. It's like a habit, or a normal thing, that people easily forget to say thank you to friends and family. Flora will still be in campus. But how do I know when is the next time that I can have a chat with her? We are't sure. What we can do is to make every chat we have as our cherishable memory.

Next day was also a day I move back to my home. I didn't see Alicia and Jennifer get in the car to airport because of my wrong information about the time to my dad.

But no matter what, for the previous month, I had a good memory.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

7 /18

Today we left Sitou, and went back to Taipei. On our way back, we visit the Earthquack Museum of Taiwan and Agricultural Research Institue.

Thinking that earthquack, though more than ten years have passed, I still feel depressed. How those people went through? Losing their beloved house and family. It seems that in the process of growing up, we'll need to learn how to accept death, forgive other, and believe the value of existance itself.

Our lunch was in a government-like place. That meal must be expensive. We even had some popsicles at the end as our dessert.

After that, we went to visit Agricultural Reaserch Institute. At first, I didn't feel interested in it. I thought it was another government-place. But I think Flora has some different thoughts about it. I should understand it first before I gave any opinion. There are many issues been argured all because of less understanding.

When we got back to Taipei, Flroa and I went to a all-cheap-thing store, and had dinner togather. It was a nice meal I ever had. Through out this trip, we always has big meals, but that's not neccessary. Somethime two dumplings and a cup of soay bean milk are enough, and they are delicious, in deed.

All my roommates left, I listened to 'The climb' when keeping this diary. I like this song pretty much. Maybe I could ask more songs like this from Flora. She is a intellgence gril. I want to learn more from her!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

June 15

Today's class was about soil biodiversity, which are related to our project. This time I really paied a lot of attention. And since I had read the book talked about whay we should pay respect to soil, I got more interested in it.

At afternnon, we gave our proposal. I was a little bit nervous when I talked about our objective. But thankfully, I went through it. We also checked about whether we could have the tools we'd use. After that, we went to see the place where we'll do survey.

We, hopfully, really find some usable places. But we don't have a efficient way of how to count the Ivy-like plants. Many be we'd figure out tomorrow.

Because we still had time, we went to sky walk. I like the scenery on the way. It could see Riverhead's center! But it's a pity that I didn't take a photo about it. When we really got to there, it's a unique experience to walk with tall trees' top next to you. Yet, there were too many people, I could't find much of the creature there. Maybe at down, or some other time, with less of toursits, I could see more things!

Dinner was great. I had two plates of vegetable! After dinner, we went to get some ice cream. But I wasn't  hungry at all. I didn't try any of them.

At night, we got back to room. But I still need to find the superman to ask for gloves. So, I went out, and went to their office. However, I didn't find anyone at second floor. The good news was, upon walking down, I saw a man sawing a big bamboo. I squated next to him, and started to chat to him. At the end, he gave me a note of bamboo! That's the best gift I ever have!

June 14

This morning, we had a lot of tea, like WenSan PaoChong Tea, Highmountain Tea. It's so nice  to have so many chance to try different kinds of tea. And this time, the speaker told about the tea's history, the process of making tea, and also the chemistry inside the tea.

After lunch, we had a class about birds in Rive-head. Dr. Yuan is a very energetic and close-to-nature person. I enjoyed her class. She showed us many pictures of birds. Though it was cool, it would be better if we went out. So, Dr. Yuan, Thom, Robin, Dr. Ding, and Dr Chung took us out. Learning from nature, also learning from life, is more important than just stuffing things in your brain.

I like Dr. Ding. He's eager to help students with all of his passion. And the way he talks is pretty energetic, too. He wants us to enjoy time in Rivehead, and at the same time, find the correct way to do scientific research. I wish I can have more of his class in the future.

At night, our team discuss the question on our project, which is very important. Step by stept, we made it! Working with other people, I need to learn when to speek, when to ask, and listen to other people is also important. That's what life in a group is. Since we are human, living in today's society, it's normal. That way life could be more colorful.  

Saturday, July 14, 2012

June 13

Today we went to visit the Phoenix Tea Farm. Again, I learned how important languages are. If you want to explain something, which you know a lot, having it translated is never a good idea.

From the observation deck, we can even saw Cloud-forest county.

When the staff there started to explain tea farm, I gradually found that Flora is an expert of it. She talked about lots of it to both Thomas and me. At the same time, we tried two kinds of teas. One is Dong-ding Wolone Tea, the other is Oriental Beauty Tea. Ivy made it for us.

At the afternoon, we went to Da-ho factory. It had many puzzles boxes. Some should be opened by turning it to specific direction, some should pressed at certain point.

Then, we arrived at River-head. I love the whether. I wish I could enjoy each day here.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

June twelfth

Today we went to Endemic Species Research Center. We saw a lot of speciems, such as Taiwan black bear, leopard cat and many many kinds of birds.

We also saw an interesting video. It's about Honey Buzzard life in Taiwan. It's a fun thing to know more about them. They are so gorgeous!

Later on, we went to visit wild animal rescue center. When animals could't be released, they would be kept in the center, and may show to public to be an educational material.

Than, there's lecture about bat. The speecher even brought a real bat to class, and when he released the bat to let us see, it flew away! What's more surprising, it stayed on my cloth for like two seconds!

After that, we visited the museum. The introducersd was an energtic person! I like her. Biodiversity of Taiwan, this concept appears again and again. I heard about the first person study about Taiwan Black Bear. I want to check her imformation more!

When we left there, we headed to a temple, crushed by the earthquack. But it seemed that everyone was more interested about the tradition market near by. Flora and I got some bananas there.

And tonight, was the most relaxing night I ever have. Flora played guitar, and her voice was so nice!

June eleventh

What a day! The most happies thing I did today was making a stool, with a thankful heart! Becarse I decided to give it to my mom, as a birthday gift! On the chair, I carved four Chinese characters on it, which means "White clouds; so beautiful!" It's because my mother's name include a word " cloud." I believe she'd like it.

At night, we watched a video about forest industry in America. The high point was when our discussion started. It's about interacting, sharing, sometimes even debating. I also learned from the discussion that some concepts taught in forestry department was not exactly right. Like, you should cut down tree in forest to let other younger trees grow stronger, but the fact is that if it's an thousand-old tree, there's no reason for making it into wood. Knowledge can't always be right.

After this discussion, Flora and I chatted with our leader today. His name is Jason, who also majored in forestry. At first, we asked questions about forestry. Later on, we started to talk about our future. We are in an era that nothing can be sure. It means that we have to make our dissions, like which class I shoud go, what am I going to do in the future, but we don't know how. We are so used to the "correct answer."  And if we can't find the "only-and-correct" answer, we became anxious.  Howerer, in life, there's no such thing. That's what I believe. Listening to other people's experiences may give me more inspiration and direction.

He said that he got a gob as a teacher after he graduated. Three years later, he got a chance to work in Water-villiage. And I believe, he's thankful to that.

What am I going to do with my life?