Tuesday, July 10, 2012

June ninth

This morning we had a bird watching. Trying to remember different sound of each bird was not an easy task!

We also had a trip for visiting the garden. Many flowers that I never noticed before was all over there. And their smells were so refreshing, except the one that smells like a fish.

At afternoon, we met an amazing teacher. He came from Canada, but he has lived in Taiwan for many years. The topic of his lecture today was about composting. Though he has an French accent, sometimes mixed with Chinese, or Taiwanese, I still really want to know what he's talking about. It sounds that his method could save the world. I want to visit there!

Then, we went to make sweet beet juice. We added pineapples, apples, and, of course, sweet beets.  Pineapples give the juice a sweet taste, and sweet beets mainly gave the color.

At night, we went to moth hounting. Iwas kind of being scare to them, though.

The most exciting part was about watching stars. 'Forest" Guide told about many stories about them, and gave us a basic knowledge about stars.

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