Thursday, July 12, 2012

June eleventh

What a day! The most happies thing I did today was making a stool, with a thankful heart! Becarse I decided to give it to my mom, as a birthday gift! On the chair, I carved four Chinese characters on it, which means "White clouds; so beautiful!" It's because my mother's name include a word " cloud." I believe she'd like it.

At night, we watched a video about forest industry in America. The high point was when our discussion started. It's about interacting, sharing, sometimes even debating. I also learned from the discussion that some concepts taught in forestry department was not exactly right. Like, you should cut down tree in forest to let other younger trees grow stronger, but the fact is that if it's an thousand-old tree, there's no reason for making it into wood. Knowledge can't always be right.

After this discussion, Flora and I chatted with our leader today. His name is Jason, who also majored in forestry. At first, we asked questions about forestry. Later on, we started to talk about our future. We are in an era that nothing can be sure. It means that we have to make our dissions, like which class I shoud go, what am I going to do in the future, but we don't know how. We are so used to the "correct answer."  And if we can't find the "only-and-correct" answer, we became anxious.  Howerer, in life, there's no such thing. That's what I believe. Listening to other people's experiences may give me more inspiration and direction.

He said that he got a gob as a teacher after he graduated. Three years later, he got a chance to work in Water-villiage. And I believe, he's thankful to that.

What am I going to do with my life?

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